About Me

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North Augusta, SC, United States
I am an otherwise very healthy and active woman who was shocked with a sudden medical condition in 2010 and decided to write about my experiences in hopes that it will help at least one person possibly be diagnosed and treated without having to go through the medical maze I went through! If you are an ADULT with chronic ear infections and can't get any answers, ask your ENT to rule out a CSF leak!!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Brain Update 12-2-10

Met with the Neurotologist today.  That was a nice chunk of change...$420 out of network...so we had to pay it all!!  Oh, and that included a $200 courtesy discount!!!!!


He was worth it.  He has basically confirmed that we should go with the neurosurogeon.  He did recommend one more exam to "localize" the leak... an Indium 111 scan.  I will talk to the neurosurgeon about having this done pre-surgery.  Apparently you inject radioactive material into the spine and if it leaks out of your ear, then you know that's where the leak is.  And it confirms 100% that it is brain fluid.

He said I would have a better chance of saving my hearing if I have the neurosurgeon do the surgery.

I had a hearing test and a nerve test and he walked me thru the actual CT scan and MRI films and showed me where everything was happening.  First time anyone has really done that.

Only one appointment left, next Tuesday at Emory.  For now, we're keeping the Dec 30th surgery date.

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